Anthony Garcia murder trial

The murder trial for Anthony Garcia, who is accused of murdering four people using knives, continued today. The man is being accused because he has the most of a motive to kill the four people, because he was kicked out of Creighton and the people who were killed were all related to him being kicked out.

He also told a stripper that he killed a woman and a child.

All four of them were killed in a similar way, with a right to left stab, which shows that they were probably done by the same person. I think that Garcia was probably the one who did it, and that the news coverage of the trial should end soon. What do you think of the case?

KETV story (New details): Click here

KMTV story (Creighton info): Click here

edit 8/16: added Creighton info and link

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  • I think if they have enough evidence to prove him guilty they send him away to jail.

  • I think he is guilty for murdering those people. I'd like to hear what evidence they have proving he didn't do it. Sounds like an interesting case and I will have to follow it. Do you know why he stabbed them in the first place?

    • He was kicked out of Creighton because of not being professional towards another student. I don't think they can really come up with much to prove that he didn't do it, so I think he's going to be sentenced guilty. Another reason for that is that there's a lot of evidence against him.

  • If all four people were killed with the same wounds, there is no doubt that the man didn't kill all of the people. This is a sick thing that the man would do, and admitting to a stripper that he killed a woman and a child is just crazy and twisted.

  • Yes, he has the motive and reason to do it. If they died the same way then yes it was probably the same person or same type of trained person.

  • Being kicked out of Creighton isn't an excuse to become a serial killer, although it was his reason, doesn't make it a very good one. It's sickening to see stories like this.

  • I think Anthony Garcia killed them, because most of the evidence points to him. He had the motivation to do it because he got fired from Creighton and he told someone he killed a woman and a child, that pretty much shows that he did it. 

  • I would say they were all killed by the same guy so it would make sense that it could be him.

  • He probably has mental issues because he knew he did something wrong at Creighton and he should have known the risk. I don't understand how killing innocent people is solving his problems.

    • That actually makes a lot of sense. I think he might have gotten a little bit iffy after the first murder and then it all escalated from there. It seems like most shooters are insane though, so it might've happened beforehand, like when he was kicked out of Creighton.

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