
  • i dont understand how that would work how does it know if you are recycling or not
  • i feel like... thats not really possible. you shouldnt be forced to recycle anyways. and i really feel like this idea would never work
  • I don't belive it i have to see it to believe it and bottles cannot have that common trait.
  • ehh i dont believe it..ha thats to weird..
  • i think i would too but it coulod also be pretty entertaining if your bored:)
  • I'm pretty sure that i would be really irritated with a bottle fused to my hand.. Hahaha, wow.
  • that would suck if that happened
  • Thats kinda cool! im not sure i want a bottle sticking to my hand if i dont recycle...well i do so i wont have that probelem but that would be funny to see a random person and they have bottle on their hand...funny!
  • no way this wont happen bottles sensing guilt? ha yeah right.
  • haha that's weird. I don't think i could stand walking around with a bottle sticking to my hand. I already recycle anyway.
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