A burglar wielding a tire-iron in Florida attempted to rob a pirate-themed restaurant. A worker then grabbed one of the decorative swords and commenced a fight that consisted of a tire-iron, a sword, a beer bottle, and a screwdriver.

Do you think the thief took on a pirate against which he was no match?

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  • bad luck for the robber i'd say. most people wouldn't want to fight a robber they'd just let the cops deal with it

  • Thats hilarious. If you are going to rob someplace don't rob a place that has any kind of weapons just hanging on the wall that is just stupid.

  • well that was dumb. Maybe he should rob something that doesnt have a chance.. like burger king... i seriously think that dumb burglar met his match... its kinda embarassing that his had to be a pirate at a restgaurant at 5:20 am... and also, i think its kinda funny that he claimed that the guy who he tried to rob had pulled him into the dark restaurant! way to cover for yourself... bad idea though.. i doubt he will do that again.. maybe?
    its hilarious that he even begged for the man defending himself not to kill him... haha...wow... people have issues

  • a plain old burglar stands no chance agaist a pirate who has a sword haha

  • Some people surprise me with there stupidity. why rob a place with a tire iorn. If someone came in with one of those and i was there i would just laugh at him.

  • Oh gosh haha, that's kinda funny. I guess that was probably the wrong place to try to rob! And it's smart for the restaraunt cause like in that sitation that's good to have a sword on you!

  • There's always weird things like this happening in the world! I don't know why the burglar would attempt this, bad decision on his part.

  • haha oh my gosh, that is crazy. it would surely be something to see though!

  • HAha this pirate clearly had the upper hand in this bad idea for this criminal maybe  he should of robbed dairy queen.

  • the pirate won haha wrong place wrong time robbery like if you would rob a store and undercover cops were inside

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