
  • That's so sad! I can't believe that actually happened. Why would God take someone that young? I feel so bad for the parents. I bet they're heart broken.

  • ahh thats aweful, thats a horrible tradgety! if i were the parents i would be more shocked than i think ive ever been! thats terrible!!

  • Well that sucks. i wonder what he did to make the dog so mad. Or was it a accident?

  • That dog looks huge. If you have a big dog and small child, you might want to watch them both when they are around each other. It doesn't mean pets can't be trusted, they just need to be trained better.

  • Something must of caused the dog to act that way. I think it was a good. Decision to put the dog down that way it will not do something like that again.
  • The dog was probably just playing around and the kid got to close...

  • awwweeee :( this is soo sad:( I feel sorry for the dog too though because it probably didnt realize what he was doing was bad :(

  • SO sad! this just makes me twitch and feel for the family. I hate these types of accidents.

  • oohh that is horrible...i feel bad for saying this but i would think that it is time to put the dog down if it did that. I don't think i would watch that happen right in front of my face...I would probably freak out!

  • that's why even we shouldn't get too comfortable to give a dog that big control over a kid that young

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