In Nepal there is an issue with illegal child labor. There are thought to be more than 1.6 million children between 5-17 years old that are illegal child workers. Most children are forced into work by their families to help support the family, but there are some who are born into work. Some non-government organizations are working to free the children who are performing illegal labor, such as Nepal Goodweave Foundation who is freeing child workers in the carpet industry. I think what the non-government organizations are doing to help free the workers is great. However, I think that the government needs to step up and help get the illegal child laborers out of the conditions they are in, just like other organizations are doing. Do you think that the government needs to address this issue that is consuming the lives of 1.6 million children? What do you think of the work that the non-government organizations are doing? Nepal's Child Laborers
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The government definitely needs to step up and intervene in this issue. Children younger than us working 16 hours a day in terrible conditions is unacceptable. The work the non-government organizations have done is good but the government still needs to take control and put an end to this.
This is terrible! I hope the government takes care of this! I mean 1.6 million children! That's just... #bad
I think it is definitely not right to put those children in those conditions. The children need to be able to at least have the choice if they want to work or not, no matter how much their family might need it.
This is an important issue. America has child labor laws for a reason. Other countries should realize this too. I mean the employers of the child labor should be punished in my opinion and the parents sending them out also need disciplinary action as well.
I agree with you Emma H. Other countries need to takes these laws into deep consideration because these are terrible situations to force children to work.
I agree with you both. Countries, like Nepal, need to establish some type of labor laws, so the children can be better protected. It all comes down to the government stepping up and doing these things, otherwise there isn't going to be any improvement.
I think that this is an issue because they need to go to school to get an education while they can. Education is important whether us kids think so or not. Putting the children into work for that long without an education is not good for them. Let them maybe go to school during normal school hours like a normal child and then maybe they could have job like normal kids. I think it is a good idea that there are people who care out there to make a difference with child labor.
You have a great point. We take our education for granted and in Nepal 1.6 million kids would much rather be in school, than working in factories. I think that there is a line when a child is working too much, and Nepal's children workers are definitely past that line.
I think that this is ridiculous. No child should be doing this. As a child you should have fun and hang out with your friends. Their is no reason that Maya should have to do that. I think that someone needs to make a move. And it should be soon.
That is crazy i mean 5 years old and working that is terrible, but it is good that they are trying to free them. The problem is that how many can they actually help because the 5 year olds you can tell but the kids older than that like 17 or 16 could just be passed off as 18 year olds.