We all remember Neil Armstrong for the courage he had that very day of the first moon landing on July 20th, 1969 on the Apollo 11 trip. Where not only the first ever manned spacecraft landed but the first ever steps on the moon were imprinted by him. Sadly recently on Saturday August 25th 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio Neil Armstrong died due to cardiovascular procedures he had, had on August 7th. He tells the world, "I did not want to be remembered as an icon, remembered only for that electric night in 1969 when Buzz Aldrin and I walked on the moon." "His one small step will inspire generations to come," said space shuttle astronaut Nicole Stott. Which is very true because litterally 1 out of 6 earthling's were watching that very moonwalk, holding every breath just to see the most unbelieveable sight they thought they would never get to see, a man step out, alone, onto another world about 200,000 miles away. The first ever moon landing!
Tell Me how the moon landing inspired you or someone you know or ask a relative to describe the feeling to you and give me your thoughts to the event. By the way i tried to figure out how to pull up the video but i didn't know how but it's in the link below.
I can not even begin to fathom exactly how much knowledge and an ex stream amount of courage it took, to travel over two hundred thousand miles away from planet earth. and then to be the first human to step foot on the moon must have been an indescribable feeling. this inspiring man lived a long and full life, famous for his amazing feat, and his memory and memorable act will forever be treasured.
Mr. Bruns my discussion won't post unless i, or someone else replies which is pretty hard since no one but I can see it! by the way i posted this on August 26, 2012 at 1:55pm and THEN the other Neil armstrong posts went up! That's why this showed up now!