Last month, in Florida, a 46 year old man named George Zimmerman shot a teenager(17 year old) named Trayvon Martin.
Trayvon Martin was just walking through a gated comm. carrying skittles and an ice tea when he was shot dead by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman claims he shot Martin in self defence. Now, Zimmerman is in hiding somewhere in Florida and there is a 10,000 dollar reward to his finding.
I think Zimmerman was just racial profiling and should have asked Martin what he was doing and what is was carrying, not just shoot him! What are your thoughts?
What was he doing wrong that he needed to use self defense? I think he should just do his time because he is just going to be in jail longer if he hides.
I heard about this on the news and personally I feel that there was a little racism. On the other hand though, if it were a white person shot instead it wouldn't have made as big of news.
I feel bad for Trayvon, that is crazy. Zimmerman must be pretty racist I'm thinking also. I think tat is crazy!
That's crazy! I can't believe that he shot a teenager. He must have no respect for human life.
I hope Zimmerman is put behind bars. I wish i knew where he was so i could get 10,000 dollars!
From what I have heard he shouldn't of shot him because he was just walking down the street. But I think I heard that the boy might have had drug problems in the past so maybe we aren't hearing the whole story. The news can make you believe about anything.
This is really upsetting. There should have been whitnesses there to speak against Zimmerman. Obviously it wasn't self defense. I hope they catch Zimmerman and justify Trayvon.
Yea I would assume Zimmerman is just a racist, because you don't just shoot someone if all they are doing is walking with a bag of skittles in their hands. I hope they find this guy he deserves to go to jail.
Its such a sad situation. I would say Zimmerman shot him just because he was black. The poor boy was only 17 years old starting his life and was shot dead in an instant. I hope they find Zimmerman soon and put him in jail for shooting a teenagers life for no reason. I feel sorry for the Trayvons family! I dont see why people are so racist. There is nothing different between different colors of people at all!
I heard that the kid had gotten in trouble with drugs and violence before. Idk what to think for sure but I don't think the guy should have came to conclusions so fast. Unless the kid was on top of him with a gun there was no excuse to kill the kid.