My personal opinion is that abortion is wrong. If you cant handle the results of your actions, dont do them. If you dont want to be pregnant because you do not want or are not ready for a child, adoption is a million times better.

Again, this is just my opinion.

Nebraska had an Abortion Bill that is put into a proposal right now and it is currently being debated. If it is accepted, it will be the first in the US to limit any abortion in the state to 20 weeks unless the mother's health is in danger.


What do you guys think about this?


Here is the link to the article.


Nebraksa Abortion Bill Would Be First In US

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  • i think adoption is better but there's so many reasons where it would make sense to have an abortion but it's still not necessarily right
    under certain circumstances i could understand why someone would get an abortion
  • abortion is awful
  • i think abortion is never the answer
  • I bet Nebraska feels special
  • but it is a baby, becaue itmay not have all if its organs yet and the form of a human body, it still has a heart beat. which means its alive. it doesnt matter what stage of pregnancy you are in, you still have a living thing inside of you..
  • I think it is alright, honestly. If you do it right away, then you arent hurting the baby at all. It is the mothers choice, quit worrying about other peoples stuff, and let the MOTHER make the decision.
  • (this was supposed to be in reply to some one but it didnt work...)
  • then again i have to say when a pregnant women is killed why is the killer convicted for TWO counts of murder instead of one if an unborn baby isnt human??
  • Abortion i'd prefer, sure you're killing that little thing in the womb or whatever but that thing can't even function. Heck even at that time they barely have blood ha. but whatever they will probably pass it just because it's a law that won't make a difference to a lot of people.
  • I think that abortion should be illegal. I think if you made the mistake you should deal with the consequence.
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