Russel was arrested for allegedly taking a gun into an airport. They issued a state citation that he had a .38-caliber Smith and Wesson into the forbidden part of the airport. He could be fined up to seven thousand and five hundred dollars. He is known for winning eleven championships in thirteen years with the Boston Celtics. Why do you guys believe he did this?

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  • Again, brief on the summary and only one reply.

  • I think it was just because of self protection and he forgot to put it back or something. I don't think he would go out and start shooting on people, because he has it made in his life and there's no reason to end it by shooting people. 

    • I thought that to, but maybe he was doing bad things in his life which would be unbelievable. Their is just to many reasons to think. 

  • I didn't see this coming from Bill Russell. He is getting older and is a NBA Hall of Famer. I wonder why he would bring a gun there though

  • This might sound crazy, but is it possible that he just forgot he had it there? Or maybe he forgot to say he had it in there. I know I have forgotten many things.

    • Now that I think about it, yes. After all, you do tend to forget more things more often the older you get, so it is not out of the question that he simply forgot it

  • Being an NBA Legend might have gone just a little bit to his head. 11 Championships might go to a guy's head and make him think he is above the law. Then again, he will probably forget about the whole event because $750,000 is little more than pocket change to an 11 time NBA Champion

    Speaking from the other side, maybe the airport should to a better job of marking the areas that do not allow firearms.

  • I doubt he wanted to hurt anybody, but I still don't know why he was carrying a gun. Maybe he did it for safety.

  • I think that he didn't know that  that part of the airport was a gun-free zone. I don't know why he would do that if he knew better. 

  • He might have thought that because he is so famous and rich that airport security wouldn't care if he brought a gun. I doubt he had intentions of using the gun on someone, he probebly just carries around with him everywhere he goes for protection.

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