Navy Drones on the Rise

The U.S. Navy recently unveiled a five-year, $100 million program to create unmanned helicopters capable of picking up and delivering about 5,000 lbs of cargo. After an Army study from 2003-07 showed that many US troops were killed in resupply convoys, the Navy has worked to develop drones to fly in supplies instead of exposed convoys. The Navy has also developed drones to target, but not engage hostiles as it is prohibited (by the Pentagon) that a drone carry out a "kill mission" without human involvement. 

What's your opinion on military drones in general? Do you think that drones should eventually be allowed to preform "kill missions"? 


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  • Be sure to stay away from yes/no questions.

  • I think that maybe they should be able to do those missions.  I would be very picky about who I let be in charge of them though.

  • I think drones are a good idea... they keep people out of harms way and are fairly efficient

    ... I think they should be able to perform kill missions
  • Not really. So many people get hurt by drones without actually taking out the target. Also nothing out does a human. We think and move faster than computers. Were able to think outside of the box.

    • That is true, which is probably why the Pentagon doesn't allow automated kill missions. I personally think it's best if humans continue to pilot the drones during such missions instead of the drones doing it by themselves. It's just safer for everyone downrange. 

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    • I think you're right, as drones are becoming a reliable and cheap (no labor fees) way to do many things.

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