Based on your recent feedback, here are the most common issues students mentioned about my class. I will respond with what I will do(or try to do) differently next year.
1. Daily Blogs
- by far the biggest complaint. Here are the changes:
- Only require students to do a daily blog on days we take notes and make these days worth more points.
- Allow students to take notes(do a daily blog) on paper if they prefer. They would turn this in when it was time to grade. Computer would be put away for those that chose this option.
- Allow students to "opt out" of doing daily blogs all together and therefore would not have a grade for this category. There are some students who can just listen and do well on tests. I would require students to get at least C's or higher on test/quizzes to keep this option open to them.
2. Forum Posts
- while I will continue doing forum posts and having forum post leaders lead discussion, it is imperative that the leaders pick important, interesting topics and pose good questions that invite good feedback
3. Slow down
- I need to continue to slow myself down when talking. I admit, I talk fast.
4. More frequent tests
- my test are usually pretty big that span a lot of information. I will do better in having more frequent tests/quizzes.
5. More work days-especially for video projects
- I will continue to work with students in determining the right amount of work days. If you need more, ask. As long at it appears people aren't wasting time, I will be open for more work days.
- Consider using Wevideo -It allows online collaboration when making videos
6. Review Session/Study Guides
- While I won't make study guides for students, I will try my best to always have a review day before a big test(not quizzes).
7. My Powerpoints and Podcasts
- Many of the Powerpoints I provide students with are meant to cover an entire unit. I will do better to make my Powerpoints I give to you to be only the parts we talked about.
- I also plan to update my podcasts for students.
8. Freeloading
- I will continue to work hard to fight back against freeloaders and freeloading in general.
- As students, be sure to never do more than what you are supposed to do. Don't enable!
9. Computers
The ability for students to get off task with their computers is a huge problem. Many teachers feel like this is their biggest problem(and they may be right) but I look at it from a different perspective. It is not my problem if a person is off task(as long as they don't bother other students). It is the students problem and one that will affect their grade if they can't manage their time.
In the real world, people need to be able to self regulate themselves when it comes to working on computers. Do I ever get off task at school during my worktime? Sure I do, but I still get everything done that I need to.
- With all this said, I will tell people to quit messing around if they aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing.
10. My Cell Phone Policy
- While I don't really like the official school policy, I will abide with it and enforce it if a cell phone rings in the classroom.
- If I see a student with a cell phone during class, I will tell them to put it away. If it continues to be a problem, I will follow through on the school policy.
- I will allow student to use cell phones for classroom purposes. Be sure to ask to use your cell phone first.