I doubt anybody out there above the age of 10 has not seen every single Star Wars movie, so this should be a review everyone can enjoy. I am a huge fan of Star Wars, so this should be more of a fan letter than anything of a review.
So here's a quick look at the plot: We start on Hoth, the ice-planet where a rebel base is hidden. The empire finds the base and gear up for battle. So Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 head out to defend the base along with the fighting force and Han Solo, Princess Leia, C-3PO and Chewbacca stay to get to safety otherwise.
The gang on the Millinium Falcon end up in an asteroid field hiding from Darth Vader and hide there while Luke seeks out Yoda on Dagobah to train to become a full Jedi Knight. Little does he know that Darth Vader does not seek him to destroy him, and the Emperor reminds him that he must turn to the dark side.
The Millinium Falcon eventually heads away from danger to Cloud City where they meet up with Lando Calrissien, but this is no heaven above the ground. Vader awaits them and springs a trap. Luke senses danger with his friends and leaves Dagobah to save them. He also falls into a trap as Han is frozen in carbonite.
As Leia and the others escape Cloud City, Vader reveals his parenthood to Luke, who doesn't take it well to put it delicately. So they all escape the Empire at the last minute and Lando and Chewbacca head off to Tatooine to save Han, who has been sold to Jabba the Hutt, and to get ready for the final battle against all evil.
Now for the grading scale:
Acting-9 out of 10. Great work by all the main cast.
Entertainment-10 out of 10. Never boring.
Screenplay-10 out of 10. Strong diolague.
Directing-6 out of 10. Smart, but nothing special.
Technical Credits-10 out of 10. No way this is less than perfect.
Genre Fit-9 out of 10. The romance distracts a bit, but its still very good.
MPAA Rating-8 out of 10. Some believe the darkness deserves an R rating, but its fine with me.
Stupid Scenes-8 out of 10. Chewbacca yelling, and C-3PO get a little annoying.
Deeper Message-3 out of 10. Nothing really, but it does take a lot from mythology.
Beginning-29 out of 30. Exciting to say the least.
Middle-25 out of 30. Yoda being a little comedic at first doesn't really suit me well.
Ending-30 out of 30. One of the best climaxes of cinema history.
Final Score: 157/180 or 87%. An A-. It's definately one of my favorites.