Arguably one of the greatest action pictures of all time, Raiders of the Lost Ark launched the greatest action hero of all time, Indiana Jones, who appeared in three other movies, and became a nation icon, turning iconic Harrison Ford into super-icon.  Think Chuck Norris on steroids for the time.  It also pushed Steven Spielberg, an excellent director, into super power director who would go on to win a few Oscars for this picture and later pictures for sure.

So here's the plot:

Indiana Jones, an archeologist/professor/adventurer sets out for South America in the year 1936.  He is searching for a golden idol worth a lot of money.  Through a lot of peril, he retrieves it, but nearly dies running from several obstacles, including a giant boulder.  He is then surrounded by Hovito indians and Belloq, a French rival, who takes the idol as Indy runs for his life.

He returns to his university to be visted by two government agents who tell him the Nazi party has discovered Tanis, a possible resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, which holds the power of an invincible army, which Hitler might find useful.  Indy decides he will set out to find the ark first, but little does he know the Gastapo and other Nazis are already behind him.

He decides first to go with his old partner, Abner Ravenwood, so he goes to his daughter, Marion, who tells him he's dead.  She owns a bar, and Indy questions her about a piece that would display the ark's location.  She lies to him about it, and after he leaves, the Gastapo arrives to take it.  Indy saves Marion, and they become partners to find the ark. 

The two arrive at Cairo, nearby Tanis, where they are continually attacked.  Marion is supposedly killed after a truck explodes and Indy meets, once again, Belloq in a bar while he reflects on his loss of Marion.  He learns that Belloq is working for the Nazis.

The next day he goes to the place where the ark's location will be displayed, and finds out it is in the Well of Souls.  He discovers Marion is alive as she is kept by the Germans.  Indy goes back to his ally Sallah and brings back a digging team to uncover the ark.  Meanwhile, while they are recovering the ark, Marion and Belloq meet and drink. 

The next morning the Nazis seize the ark and leave Indiana and Marion in the Well of Souls.  They escape from the snakes and catacombs and end up right in the middle of an airfield.  Indy fights a tough guy right in front of a flying wing.  Indy learns that the ark is being taken to Cairo, and fights his way to the truck and takes the ark back.

On a boat back to America, Indy and Marion's relationship grows as the Nazis close in.  They take the boat over and retrieve the ark.  Indy hides out and sneaks into the Nazi uniforms as one of them.  Eventually the group hits land and prepares to unleash the ark, and Indy tries to stop them, but realizes if he blows up the ark, all will die.  When they do open it up, all the Nazis die, including Belloq.  Indy tells Marion not to look at it, and it saves both of their lives.


They return to America to Washington D.C. where they find out the ark is being worked on by top men.  Even though Indy isn't satisfied it won't be hidden but rather studied, the final shots reveal the ark is safely hidden in a crate in a warehouse filled with thousands upon thousands of identical crates.


So now through the grading scale:


Acting: 9 out of 10.  Very good, even from Harrison.


Entertainment: 10 out of 10.  Always keeps you on your seat.


Screenplay: 10 out of 10.  Very good work.


Directing: 10 out of 10.  Spielberg is excellent.

Technical Credits: 10 out of 10.  The visual effects, cinematography, music and all that are outstanding.

Genre Fit: 9 out of 10.  Sometimes leans toward horror slightly, but otherwise its perfect.

MPAA Rating: 4 out of 10.  The most hurtful score on this movie.  Almost too dark for PG at times.

Stupid Scenes: 10 out of 10.  Very few if any.

Deeper Message: 6 out of 10.  Nothing really, but it preaches against not following God’s will, sort of, you know, with the whole Biblical thing…

Beginning: 29 out of 30.  Great start.

Middle: 27 out of 30.  Starts to slow down at spots.

Ending: 30 out of 30.  Perfect.

Final Score: 164/180 or a 91%.  That’s an A.  Great work by Spielberg and company.

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  • I  loved this movie its my second favorite of the Indiana Jones movies the holy grail is my favorite.

  • You really need to find a community on the internet that allows user reviews of movies! Start your resume. Seriously. That is what online websites/blogs want out of their employees. People that can write and have numerous examples of their writing to show as examples.

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