So now after two outings with Jason Voorhees, Paramount decided to end the franchise with The Final Chapter.  Little did they know that there would be another film that next year, entitled A New Beginning.  Naturally.  So now let's see what the grading scale has to say.

So here's the plot:

We start right where Part 3 ended: Jason is dead in the barn.  He is taken by the paramedics to the morgue.  There we meet Axel and Nurse Morgan.  The two have something of a relationship, but Jason comes back to life and puts and end to that, hack saw and fish-gutting style.

So now flash to the Crystal Lake area, where we meet the Jarvises: Trish, a 17 year old, the mother in her fourties, and little Tommy, who is about 12.  They live in the woods, almost isolated.  Mom tells the kids that teenagers are on their way, and when they arrive, things are just beginning.  The next day Trish and Tommy meet Rob, a relative of a victim from Part 2.  He is hunting for Jason.

So the teens get comfortable, especially when two guys meet twin girls.  So now that everybody has a date, they throw a party.  But Jason shows up as an uninvited guest and little by little kills them all, even Mrs. Jarvis.  But Trish and Tommy were out somewhere so they are not victims.  Trish, looking for her mother, finds Rob who tells her Jason's story.  They rush back to the house in case Jason is sneaking around.

They arrive, see that Tommy is fine, and head over next door.  Trish finds a few victims and Rob gets chopped as well.  Trish puts up a chase and eventually she ends up back in her house.  Tommy gets dressed like Jason when he was a boy, and Jason is stopped momentarily.  He goes back to attack Trish and Tommy strikes him in the head with a machete.  Jason falls on his knees and the machete pierces further into his skull.

So we cut to the hospital where Trish is in bed and Tommy walks in.  He hugs Trish, notices just how relevant his killing of Jason is to the killing of Jason's mother, and his eyes go wide as he realizes: he could be the next Jason.

So now through the grading scale:

Acting: 5 out of 10.  Standard, sometimes annoying.

Entertainment: 7 out of 10.  A few dull spots, but its fine.

Screenplay: 5 out of 10.  A few lines of diolague are excellent, but points against it for unoriginality, with the exception of the death of Jason.

Directing: 7 out of 10.  Nice efforts on the part of Joeseph Zito.

Technical Credits: 8 out of 10.  The great music is back and this time the special makeup effects are as good as ever.

Genre Fit: 7 out of 10.  A really nice consistancy of horror throughout.  But at times it kind of feels like a situational comedy.

MPAA Rating: 4 out of 10.  The violence, language, nudity, and sexual content has been increased, yet its still rated R.  A little strong a rating.

Stupid Scenes: 7 out of 10.  A few here and there, but its forgiveable.

Deeper Message: 2 out of 10.  None.

Beginning: 24 out of 30.  A pretty strong start.

Middle: 19 out of 30.  Starts to slow down.

Ending: 21 out of 30.  Feels a little slow sometimes.

Final Score: 116/180 or 64%.  A B-, and just on the edge of a C+.  So its pretty good.

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