So after four good films and a dreadful fifth one, Jason is back in Part VI.  And you know what?  This may be the best film in the franchise.  Think of it as a pre-Scream since it is just as funny as it is a horror movie.  So now for the review.

Here's the plot:

Tommy Jarvis, after getting out of the asylum I guess, goes to a cemetary around the Crystal Lake area to properly cremate Jason.  He digs up the body with his partner, Hawes, and ends up stabbing him with a metal rod in revenge for him killing his mother.  A lightning bolt strikes Jason, which resurrects him.  Jason kills Hawes and decides to go back to Camp Crystal Lake after Tommy flees.

Tommy runs to the police to warn them, but they call him crazy and lock him up.  Tommy also learns that the name of the town has changed to Forest Green so people can forget about the murders of the past.  Meanwhile Jason kills two people trying to get back to camp.  We later learn the girl's sister is a counselor in training, along with three friends, who are reopening the camp.

These kids get to the police station which Tommy is locked up to report the missing two counselors.  One of them, Sheriff Garris' daughter, Megan, is attracted to Tommy, who blabes about Jason to warn them, but Garris tells them to ignore him.  They go back to the camp and the kids show up. 

Jason, meanwhile finds a group of company executives playing paintball in the woods and enjoys killing them.  Tommy, who is being taken out of Garris' jurisdiction, manages to escape them and get back to the cemetary.  He notices that Hawes has been covered and the sheriff takes him to the county line.

So night time comes along and Jason makes it back to the camp.  One of the counselors, Cory, has gone off with his girfriend, and gets killed by Jason just prior to his arrival.  We also meet a camp kid named Nancy who has several nightmares and wakes up the two remaining counselors.  Megan, meanwhile, has gone to the sheriff's office to try to find the two other counselors who died in the beginning.

Garris gets a call about Cort and his girlfriend's bodies being found and leaves the station.  Tommy calls the station to warn the sheriff one last time, but Megan answers and the two team up to take down Jason.  Meanwhile, Jason takes out another counselor.  The two bandits end up getting caught by Garris after police alert him about the two.

He takes them back to the station where he locks up Tommy and makes sure Megan can stay put.  He gets called again to go out to Crystal Lake to investiagte further, and Megan and Tommy escape.  So now they can go ahead with their plan: kill Jason the same way he did before: drowning him.

Garris and two other officers show up to investigate the camp.  All the counselors are dead, and Nancy manages to get away from Jason, who is out killing cops.  Megan and Tommy show up, and Garris sacrafices himself to save his daughter.  Tommy gets ready to drown Jason and after a confrontation it happens. 

Tommy manages to survive fire and drowning and is saved by Megan.  They say that he is finally home.  The next day the camera goes down to Jason one more time and his eyes open, indicating he is still alive.

So now for the grading scale:

Acting: 7 out of 10.  Mostly good.  Some are not so good, but overall better than most.

Entertainment: 8 out of 10.  Truly a joy to watch.  So funny and entertaining.

Screenplay: 7 out of 10.  Very smart and hardly boring.

Directing: 8 out of 10.  Very well done.

Technical Credits: 6 out of 10.  Cinematography is great.  Everything else is a little standard.

Genre Fit: 5 out of 10.  Seems to be a little too comedic at spots.  I must admit, though, when it's running with its comedy, it's pretty hilarious.

MPAA Rating: 9 out of 10.  The violence sometimes gets a little high, but it comes off as comedic.

Stupid Scenes: 9 out of 10.  Only a couple here and there but they are quite short.

Deeper Message: 0 out of 10.  None.  Only for entertainment.

Beginning: 25 out of 30.  The opening is fantastic.

Middle: 18 out of 30.  A little dull at spots.

Ending: 25 out of 30.  Gets much better.

Final Rating: 127/180 or 71%.  A B, which means it's so far the best in the series. 

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