After four good films, or at least watchable films, and I knew it couldn't last, they release one that's, well, crap!  Absolutely crap!  It hate this movie, hate, hate, hate!  I just didn't like it at all.  Let's just get this over with.  We'll see if this movie doesn't fail after the grading scale.

So let's go through the crappy plot:

6 years after the events of Part 4, aka The Final Chapter, Tommy Jarvis is now 18 years old and is transfered from a mental hospital to Pinehurst, a sort of halfway house for troubled kids, but he's already not any furthur along.  He meets the doctor, Matt, and the nurse, Pam.  Then he meets Reggie the Reckless, a kid staying there with his grandfather the cook.

He also meets the kids and sees a neighbor and her son, Ethel and Junior.  These characters can take a long walk off a short pier.  Soon though, one is picked off by the other because, well, the victim offered the killer a chocolate bar, the killer wouldn't take it, and the victim thought that he was "out of line".  Naturally, you kill them for that.

Soon also there are a few murders around the area, and Tommy sees images of Jason and is in a really bad state always.  Soon the kids become the victims, at least a couple, of this supposed Jason, though we never see him.  So one night Reggie is taken by Pam to see his brother, Demon, and Tommy tags along.

While there, Tommy stumbles around and Junior happens upon him.  He offends him and he and Tommy fight.  Junior rides home screaming in the most annoying scene in the franchise and has his head cut off.  Then Ethel is killed.  Tommy has run off, Pam takes Reggie back, and then goes to find everyone who is missing, including Matt.

The remaining kids except for Reggie are picked off in boring manner.  Pam comes back, Jason chases after them, and Tommy shows up after they are cornered in a barn.  Tommy is cut but manages to kill Jason by pushing him onto a bed of spikes from the top of the barn.  It is revealed that Jason is actually the father of the first victim, chocolate person.

The sheriff explains to Pam that after seeing his son dead, Roy, the dad, went insane and used Jason's MO to cover up his tracks.  He even planned on pinning the murders on Tommy, but Tommy is treated, begins to suffer more delusions, and the movie ends with him raising a knife against Pam with a hockey mask on.

So yeah, we get jipped.  It's not Jason.  So let's get down to the nitty gritty with this crap!

Acting: 3 out of 10.  Only Tommy gives a good perforance.  The other actors stink.

Entertainment: 2 out of 10.  I get bored, I shut it off, I throw it out the window.

Screenplay: 3 out of 10.  I can commend them for trying with the whole Tommy going to the halfway house thing, but the rest

Directing: 2 out of 10.  Incompetent fools made this movie.

Technical Credits: 5 out of 10.  The music is still good, and the makeup effects still look good.  Rest is standard.

Genre Fit: 7 out of 10.  I can say they tried not to make it anything but horror, but I end up laughing at it.

MPAA Rating: 3 out of 10.  The violence, nudity, and language is a little strong.  An X rating for the times seems a little more appropriate.

Stupid Scenes: 0 out of 10.  The entire movie is a collection of bad scenes.

Deeper Message: 0 out of 10.  Doesn't even try.

Beginning: 13 out of 30.  Bad start.

Middle: 10 out of 30.  Worst part of the movie.

Ending: 18 out of 30.  A much better ending, but its not enough.

Final Score: 56/180 or 31%.  Just out of the F range.  It's a D-, but just barely.  A laughable score for a laughable film.  Stay away!!!  Hope you had a good laugh.

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