Now we're into 1981. The first film I will review will also be my first James Bond film, and we start with a good one. One of the better ones actually. It has been known as the last good Roger Moore James Bond film, but I think second to last.
Here's a plot rundown:
After an opening with the return and apparent death of old-time Bond villain Blofeld, we see a ship in Greece being sunk by a sort of bomb. On that ship is a computer system that belongs to Britain, and is a key to surviving any possible war. Remeber, this is around the Cold War. This is followed by the death of the Havelock family. The couple's daughter, Melina, vows revenge against the killer and anybody he may work for.
James Bond goes after Hector Gonzales, the killer of the Havelocks, who were British agents. However, Melina kills him before Bond can get far. Bond goes back to headquarters and with the help of Q finds out about Locque, a businessman who was working with Gonzales, and meets Kristatoes and Bibi, Bibi being a skater who tries to appeal to Bond and Kristatoes, who warns him of The Dove of Columbo.
Bibi starts to try to attract Bond, who sees right through her, being a ladies man. He takes her out for snow fun, but her half-boyfriend Eric, who tries to kill Bond. After he survives, he heads to an ice rink to say goodbye to Bibi, but is attacked once again. He leaves to find his contact dead with a pin Dove nearby.
Bond decides to persue Columbo, believing he is the true villain, and finds out a little more about Columbo from Kristatoes. He goes home with Columbo's date, and the next morning she is killed by Locque, and Bond is kidnapped by Columbo's men.
It is here he has a short meeting with Columbo, who tells him Kristatoes is behind it all, and proves his truth after Bond sees he knows that Bond is a spy and he doesn't kill him. Together the two go on a raid where Locque is killed.
Bond then meets up with Melina and the two go down to what's left of the destroyed ships and recover the ATAC system. Unfortunately, they surface to find Kristatoes. He tries killing them, but ultimately fails. Kristatoes ends up with the ATAC system.
The final scene involves Bond, Columbo, and Melina going to Kristatoes hide out to retrieve the ATAC. They fight and fight and fight and Kristatoes ends up with a knife in his back thrown by Columbo, who is almost killed. Bond sees Russian intelligence coming and destroys the ATAC before anyone can get it.
The film ends with Melina and Bond about ready to recieve honors before they decide to begin a relationship, therefore, they take a midnight swim as the credits begin to roll.
Here's the grading scale:
Acting: 6 out of 10. Pretty good to basic.
Entertainment: 9 out of 10. Never really gets slow. Action scenes are thrilling and fun.
Screenplay: 8 out of 10. Very smart.
Directing: 5 out of 10. John Glen's first Bond film, and its basic.
Technical Credits: 6 out of 10. Pretty basic to pretty good.
Genre Fit: 9 out of 10. Very good with the action scenes.
MPAA Rating: 6 out of 10. A few close calls here and there get it close to an R rating.
Stupid Scenes: 8 out of 10. Only a few here and there.
Deeper Message: 1 out of 10. Nothing really.
Beginning: 24 out of 30. Kind of slow, but a car chase about 20 minutes in saves it big time.
Middle: 28 out of 30. The plot kicks in and the action goes with it.
Ending: 25 out of 30. Good ending, very good.
Final Score: 135/180 or a 75%. A B, which is good.