Movie Reviews: Caddyshack (1980)

This has got to be one of the most quoteables comedies of the 80's--nah, all time.  I think that everyone who has seen this movie has loved every minute of it.  The jokes always work, the actors are fantastically hilarious, and the overall story is just poetic in the way it blends comedy with sports.  It was way ahead of its time and a starting place for all the sports comedies that followed, ie Happy Gilmore and all those Will Ferrell comedies.

Here's the plot: We start with Danny, a boy who has just graduated and wants to go to college but can't really afford it.  He works at the local golf course as a caddy, and hears that the caddy scholarship is up for grabs.

He decides to play and wins the tournament that decides who gets the scholarship.  The only trouble is Judge Smails has the power to give out the scholarship but after Danny gets in trouble when he has sex with Smails' neice who is visiting.  Not only is he mad about Danny, but also Al Czervik, a rich construction manager guy who has money and a place to put it, even if he has to get Smails constantly out of his way.

Perhaps the best known sub-plot is about Carl Spackler, the groundskeeper, chasing around that so darn cute gopher, not GOLFER, who is terrorizing the beauty of the course.  He is played excellently played by Bill Murray.

So the end begins when Ty Webb and Al team up to play Smails and Dr. Beeper for money.  The only problem is Al is "injured" while playing a terrible game and Danny must substitue for him.  Ty and Danny get the game going again, and as it comes down to the last hole, the bet is $80,000.

The final scenes merge the Carl Spackler subplot with the golf game as Carl prepares to annihilate that darn cute gopher with TNT, and Danny shoots his last shot, which he must make to win, and is just short.  The call isn't made and Carl detonates the TNT, and the shockwave sends the ball into the hole.  Smails is forced to pay up, Al sends a great message to the crowd, and the gopher dances as the credits role.

So now we go through the grading scale:

Acting-8 out of 10.  All four lead stars are fantastic (Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted White, and Bill Murray)

Entertainment-8 out of 10.  Only a few duller spots.

Screenplay-8 out of 10.  A few lines don't really work, but nice and smart.

Directing-7 out of 10.  Pretty basic.

Technical Credits-5 out of 10.  Standard.

Genre Fit-10 out of 10.  Nothing but comedy.

MPAA Rating-9 out of 10.  Definately an R rated movie.

Stupid Scenes-8 out of 10.  Only a few.

Deeper Message-4 out of 10.  I guess can relate to teenagers wanting to go to college but can't.

Beginning-24 out of 30.  Some energy in the beginning, but great gags as well.

Middle-21 out of 30.  Begins to slow down a little, but there are still great laughs.

Ending-26 out of 30.  Gets a lot better.

Final Score: 138 out of 180 or 77%.  A B+.  Good comedy.

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