Movie Reviews: Aliens (1986)

James Cameron, director and writer of The Terminator, next directed the sequel to Alien, simply titled Aliens.  It is known, along with another of his films, Terminator 2, as one of the best sequels of all time that overshadows the original and stands as best of the franchise.  The slow moving original I think is scarier, but others disagree.  Let's see how this has to do with the grading scale.

So here's the story:

After 57 years of floating around space, Ellen Ripley, played very well by Sigourney Weaver, is rescued.  She is suffering from repeated visions of the alien she had to deal with in the first film popping out of her stomach and hears that the planet that the original group landed on has a group of scientists there.  She protests to their presence there but eventually decides to let it go.

After getting a job, sort of, she learns from Carter Burke, an exec of the company that heads up this company, that the group on that planet's contact has been lost.  He also tells her that a group of space marines is going out to check up on the situation, and she agrees to go with as a guide, reluctantly.

The group arrives on the planet and finds the place lifeless.  They investigate further and finally find someone: a little girl named Newt who claims that the rest of the scientists are dead.  After more looking around, the troops find a group of aliens, and they attack them.  Only a few survive.  Ripley, who sits back and watches all this happen, takes command and saves the survivors.

The leaders of the group are dead or near it, and a corporal named Hicks takes command.  His decision is to nuke the planet and destroy the force.  The ship that is supposed to come and save them crashes and the group decides to hide.  The only solution is to reprogram the large transport ship above them and have them come get them.  An android named Bishop takes leadership in this.

Ripley learns that Burke is only out on this mission to bring back aliens to study and make sure that he is the only survivor.  He releases two facehuggers, young aliens, attack Ripley and Newt, and Ripley kills them.  Soon the aliens attack again and the only survivors now are Ripley, Bishop, and Hicks.  Newt has been kidnapped by a queen alien.

The ship that will take them home arrives, Hicks boards, but Ripley decides to go save Newt.  Ripley saves her and battles with the alien queen.  She destroys a hatchery area where hundreds of aliens will be born.  She gets Newt and herself to the ship and saves them.

Onboard the transport ship, Bishop is attacked by a stowaway alien queen who rips him in half.  Ripley battles one last time and sends it into space.  As the four head back toward Earth, peace comes at last.

So now for the grading scale:

Acting: 10 out of 10.  Surprisingly strong with the supporting cast and great performance by Sigourney Weaver.

Entertainment: 10 out of 10.  Keeps you in your seat for 2 and a half hours.

Screenplay: 9 out of 10.  Relies a little on the monster in the house effect a little but it's very well done.

Directing: 9 out of 10.  Cameron does very well.

Technical Credits: 10 out of 10.  Special effects, music, and editing are all superb.

Genre Fit: 6 out of 10. Tries to be a little too much of an action film to scare and too scary to be a full out action picture.

MPAA Rating: 9 out of 10.  A little strong on violence, otherwise fine at R.

Stupid Scenes: 8 out of 10.  Bill Paxton as a worried marine gets a little annoying at times.

Deeper Message: 5 out of 10.  Despite the explosion and bloodshed, it does talk a little about being a parent and trust.

Beginning: 26 out of 30.  Interesting beginning.

Middle: 28 out of 30.  Wildly entertaining.

Ending: 30 out of 30.  A brilliant conclusion.

Final Rating: 160/180 or 89%.  An A-.  Very well done.

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