
  • When I saw motorcycle and nikkolaus and speeding in the same sentence I immediately thought Nicholas Cage in Ghost Rider. but also the guy is lucky that he didn't wreck and die.

  • that guy is crazy! 170mph on a motercycle? does he have a death wish?

  • that's insane, it would be hard to control that! I'm surprised he got caught

  • How do you get a Motorcycle going the fast on a public road? Especially in New York


  • This is stupid! This was just a death sentence is you ask me!

  • That is very dangerous. Bikes should not go faster than the need to. That is very unsafe.

  • That would be scary to go 170 mph on a motorcycle. You would have to be very good at driving it and not lose control of it cause if you did you would probably not make it through the crash.

  • Holy cow...and I'm sure the cop had a cow too! That is EXTREMELY fast for a motorcycle on a public road! I'm surprised he didn't fishtail or swerve and crash or anything. I wonder how long it took for him to slow down and stop for the cop without losing control...

  • I dont understand how he didnt crash going that speed! if he had hit the slightest bump he would have gone flying! I dont know how the cops would have caught up to him either. they probably jsut fallowed him until he ran out of gas and then ran him down.

  • yeah he sounds like an idiot to be going that fast on a public road and i believe he could get it up to that speed because crotch rockets can go 190 or 200mph

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