Mother's Day.. comming soon!

This year, I have no idea what to get my mom for Mother's day.. do you have any idea what you plan on giving her for this special day? i was thinking maybe breakfast in bed, and something else, but its been done too many times. i cant think of anything special. What are you going to do for her this year?

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  • i think im just going to take my mom out to dinner or just give her some flowers.. idk, i have to work sunday so who knows what ima do!

  • i dont live with my mom so all i can do is call her and say happy mothers day, i live with my aunt so she feels like a mom to me so i might clean the house and wash the dishes so she doesnt have to

  • I'm not sure what I'm going to do. She probably just wants to relax. I probably wohnt make her any food because I can't cook that well.

  • i am making my mom a windmill and a card i won't spend the day with her the but i have to work

  • I will probably help her clean up the house and me and brothers will probably take her out to eat somewhere and my dad usually gets her some flowers too. Maybe this year we will do something else for mothers day but I don't know what it would be.  

  • my mom has wanted a mothers ring for years.. but i probably won't get one this year they are really expensive. usually me and my sisters all get her a corsage and flowers and take her to eat or something.

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  • My mom collects willow tree people so i get her one for every holiday and her birthday. Might take her out to eat too. Usualy she just wants a clean house but thats not good enough to me.

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