Mother Conforts Teacher On TV!


A mother named Tammie Powers pleads with her Daughter to come home on Dr. Phil

A 18 year old named Jordan Powers ran off with her teacher, James Hooker who is 48 years old! Hooker, left his wife and kids and his career to move in with his new girlfriend(Jordan).

Since then the mother. Tammie, has been pleading with her daughter to come home. Tammie as put a desperate compain to put the man behind bars!


I think this is kinda gross! What are your thoughts!?

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  • This is really disgusting since he 30 years older than her! Even if this is legal it should not happen. I agree with Marielle that this was very unprofessional and immature of the teacher to leave his family for a teenager.

  • I find it very disturbing when there is people together that are 30 years apart. Its gross! Why can't people just stay within their age group?

  • i think that is kinda sick. its kinda like running away with your dad! ew! but i also think that sometimes people try to do things that will make them and their lives better.. and happier. i think no matter what age you are, you have the choice to do as you wish, but still be willing to face the consequences when its all said and done...   but yeah, it is kinda sick that they would do that. i think that she and him had their reasons, but its gross! find someone your own age! ugh

  • Jordan is 18 and if she wants to be with him then so be it! I'm sure everyone has had a crush on their teacher at least one time in their life the only difference is that this teacher gave up everything because he liked her back he was willing to risk it all for love I say leave them alone and let them be together cause they aren't hurting anyone and they are in love.

  • They both left families behind, but why? Yes, this is lega, but it still seems wrong.

  • it may be legal but that is just sick

  • That is messed up...How could he leave his wife and kids to be with an 18 year old student?...gross

  • i think its nast shes 18 and he 48 they shouldnt be together at all. i think she should come home. it may be legal for them to date but its just wrong and shouldnt even happen

  • I think this is messed up but I think as long as the girl is happy its ok. I know people date other people that are a little older or a little younger than them but that dosent stop them from being happy.

  • I think that it is very inappropriate for the girl to go off with a teacher that is at least 30 years older than she is, and it's EXTREMELY unprofessional of the teacher to get involved with a teenager. He should be more of an adult about that and stay with his wife and family.  

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