Morgan Freeman Misquoted??

Everyone loves Morgan Freeman. And so it makes sense that after the horrible tragedy at Newtown a quote of his restating public opinion of the coverage went viral. However Mr. Freeman has gone on record to deny saying anything about the coverage of Newtown. The quote also references the shootings at the DKR premier. Personally this sickens me. I mean who would just go on the internet and tell lies, especially about Mr. Freeman. What do you think about this? Linkage

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  • Gosh, what is wrong with these people. After a horrible tragedy someone had the guts to go on the internent and make lies about something and make it into Morgan Freeman's words. Unbeliveable. Our society is crazy right now. I am Glad Morgan Freeman got his part under control. Some people are just messed up. Think of the murdered people, not about someone else.

  • This is not right putting someones words out of context. But lets not worry about someone lying lets worry about what happen to those innocent people. 

  • Internet is filled with lies, you can't control what happens. You gotta just sorta deal with it.

  • I think that this is dumb why would anybody want to make mr freeman look bad he is a very respectable person.

  • Well the Newtown shooting was very tradgic and I find all of these comments about it being some one elses fault ect. I think everyone is focausing to much on how it happened that just feeling for the children and teachers that have past!

  • I hate how people tell lies about people on the internet. If i was Morgan Freeman i would be pretty upset.

  • Seriously Morgan Freeman!?! i mean that seems dangerous. He is kinda scary! but i hear this "quote" of his and it did kind of surprise me that he would say that, so knowing it wasn't him makes me wonder what other situations has this happened in..

  • Wow, the things people do for attention and wanting to tell lies about a sad subject. i feel bad for morgan freeman, he is probably really upset and angry.

  • This is the internet. That happens here. There is not avoiding it

  • I think this is wrong how a person would put words into someone elses mouth without them actually saying that. And that was a horrible tragedy. RIP

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