Last month, the terrorist group Al-Shabab, attacked the Westgate Mall in Kenya. They attacked the mall in response to Kenya sending troops into Somalia. In the end about 67 people died. One woman played dead to survive the shooting.
Elaine Dang was in the mall when the shooting started. She dived behind a metal counter. The person under her was shoot. Then, they shoot into a crowd and hit a gas canister that blew up. Elaine was hit by shrapnel from the canister. She later moved behind another counter with a couple. They both got shot. She laid there as if she was dead. After a while, Kenyan police came through and took people out including her.
What do you think about Elaine? Do you think you could have done what she did?
Well done James!!
Well, playing dead in a bear attack works, so why not play dead when terrorists attack? It seems like she had a splendid. I commend her for that idea.
This woman is incredibly smart. I would have never thought to pretend to be dead, and in this case, I don't think I would have had the self control to stay calm during the shooting. She made some smart moves, and it is incredible that she made it through that incident alive.
I think that was a pretty smart idea but if i was her i wouldn't of thought it was going work. I'm still surprised she could think of that why all that is going on and people are panicking.
I think it was pretty smart for the situation. In some situations, the terrorist might have checked to see if anyone was living, then the plan would have been terrible.
I agree, the things people can think of in situations like this are incredible.
I think Elaine was smart to do that and not many people do this which I don't understand at all. I would have done the same thing as her. Most people just try to hide and scream or run away, then they get shot or die. Elaine was very smart for doing this and it shows people what they can do if they are ever in this situation.
I think this story is great for other people to read. It just gives you one more idea on what to do if you ever get in this situation.
She seems very smart for doing what she did... I probably wouldn't have been able to do the same, I tend not to do very well under pressure
I am not great under pressure either. I do not know if my instincts would save me or not.