A mother from NJ took her 5 year old daughter to tan! The girl suffered burns and the mother was arrested. The mother says she was never exposed to the uv rays but was only sun burnt from playing outside. But the father says the daughter told her friends she went tanning with her mommy and believes a teacher over heard. The mother is 44 years old.

If she did take her daughter tanning she deserves her second-degree child endangerment she as charged with. How dumb can you be..... she needs to lay off the fake baking herself! What do you think??


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  • First of all this lady looks like death. So she doesn't deserve a child.

  • The more and more interviews I see with her the more and more I hate her! She is one of the most un-intelligent people I know.

  • That is probably not healthy. That is pretty sad in my opinion,

  • That child is going to look like her someday and she is probably going to have cancer and be bald and the top of her head is going to be white. That'll teach the mom not to take her child to a tanning booth...mabye.

  • This is very bad parenting. she is spreading her own problems with tanning to her daughter. she needs help and her daughter needs a mother without problems like this

  • She looks really scary. You can only fake bake so much before you look like that. That is so wrong though, she should have know better than to take a 5 year-old to go tanning.

  • That mom looks creepy! Her skin looks totally fried, and needs to stop tanning! Why would you take a child tanning? Thats ridiculous! I hope she gets charged with something for this!

  • that chick is way toooo tan i think she needs to stop tanning. i dnt think she needs to take her daughter with her either

  • That is terrible why would a little girl need to tan the sun does do it on its own. that mom does need to stop tanning she looks like coco.

  • I couldn't believe this when my mom told me that this really happen. Really how dumb could you be that you would take your five year old daughter into a tanning bed, that's terrible. I agree with Dannielle that this lady should stop tanning because she looks terrible. Well I hope that she gets what she deserves because you should never do a thing like that to your daughter. 

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