Jennifer Mothershead of Washington was charged with child abuse after contaminating her daughter's eye drops with bleach. The little girl was 14 months old and now her sight is impaired for the rest of her life. Her father didn't even know about it because the mother would only let him their daughter about 2 hours a week. The child slept about 20 to 22 hours a day because her eyes were swollen shut and it hurt to have them open.


I think this is terrible. How could you do this to somebody and live with the choice you made?  I don't understand that. I feel bad for the little girl she won't be able to see any more because of her mother. I am just glad the mother didn't decide to hurt her oter child.

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  • That poor kid why would any one think putting bleach in her eyes help the problem i hope the dad gets to take care of her know. how stupid can one person be.

  • That's crazy, i think she should get 10-15 years in jail, possibly more, because the  poor kid will never be able to see correctly again.

  • I don't get why a mother would do this to her child. It's a shame that the child has to pay the consequence of having impaired vision just because of her terrible mother. I think the mother should really get punished a lot because this is just sick and terrible that you would do this to your child. 

  • I hope this lady gets a lot of years in jail! This is messed up! Why would she do that to a kid that is so young?

  • That is just horrible, there has to be something seriously wrong with the mother and  the father. It is just sick what people can do to other people, in this case their own child!

  • That is terrible that your own mom would do that to you when you couldn't even protect yourself. Why would she want her own child to be visually impared when she could of had perfectly good eyes.

  • That is horrible. How could a mother put bleach into her own kids eyes. If she didn't want her kid she should have just put her up for adoption instead of abusing her and ruining her life.

  • This is awful! She should have put the child up for adoption instead of abusing the child and ruining her life. I am glad she was charged. She deserves to be charged for abusing her child. The child's father should have full custody.

  • Really? She just put bleach in there? Why!? Why have kids then...????

  • That woman has ruined that child's life and she deserves to be in jail for a LONG TIME. Who scars a child like that and prevents the father from seeing his own child. I can even put into words how SICK this is!!

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