Mom Kills 2 kids During Exorcism

A woman killed two of her kids and injured three other people in what the police have called a potential attempt at an exorcism. The woman had stabbed the two youngest kids to death and injured three others by stabbings as well. The police said that she was aided in this and have arrested two other women as well. All are being held without bail.

My question is why do you think the woman wanted to preform an exorcism on her kids?

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  • A bit brief in the description. Be sure to give your thoughts as well. Also, be sure to comment a bit more frequently next time.

  • I don't get why she would do this, she obviously had mental illness and somebody should have noticed it. The problem definitely could have been avoided.

  • Its sad that she did this to her kids. They should do tests to see if there is something wrong in her head.

  • This is very weird.  I wonder why she would try to perform an exorcism on her children.  Also, why would she want to kill her own children.  Hopefully she pays the consequence for what she did.  

  • This chick had to be completely nuts to do that to her own kids, where did this take place? was it outdoors in front of a lot of people, or did it happen in a discrete location?

  • I have no Idea why she did this. I think she is just crazy and didn't know that she was stabbing here children

  • Either they were trying to perform an exorcism and panicked, or they were using an exorcism as a cover up for their crimes. Either way these people are stupid for trying to kill these children.

  • I would wonder why as well. maybe she thought there was something wrong with them.

  • I have no idea why someone would do this. It is so sad that people died as a result.

  • I think there's something really wrong with this mother. She probably isn't very stable with her emotions.

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