Margaret Page got lost in a New Mexico forest for 3 weeks in below freezing tempatures. She was found cuddling with her pet cat Miya. Margaret's pet cat even went hunting and brought her back food after they ran out of food. Margaret lost 30 lb. while being lost. The 2 were found laying in blue sleeping bag still alive.
What do you think?
That's amazing. I personally don't like cats but I sure would if one saved my life! I can't believe her cat went hunting, brought back food and kept her warm enough to save her life. Incredible.
I thought cats were selfish. well she is one lucky lady that her cat took care of her and got her food.
WOW! thats crazy! at least she had her cat with her. if she didnt i dont think she would be living today.. she is very lucky!
She is very lucky that cat was with her. Her cat must have been very smart not to go off on its own and hunt for her.i think this is amazing.
It would have been better if there was a dog. man's best friend. although I love cats too.
Wow that is amazing! This is why I love cats!
This is awesome!! They have always said pets make great friends and by this story i think its true! Its cool how the cat even brought her food and everything!
I think that dog is man's best friend. Maybe cats are women's best friend. This cat is a true hero in my opinion. The cat saved its master's life and I'm sure the lady won't be able to pay her back. Incredible story! She is lucky to be alive!
thats crazy how they survived. im glad they got help and stayed alive
That is one awesome cat. I always liked dogs way more than cats, but this was pretty cool. I am glad that they were found in time to be rescued, and that they are still alive.