Baby Shanon is 7 months old and she was locked in a 2 by 3 foot cedar chest for 12 hours. The aunt took the baby from the mom because she was going to raise her then she locked her in a chest under a bed for 12 hours. The mom was in on it too. Fortunatly they baby did live and is recovering just fine.-Breann Lehr
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Oh my gosh.. That is terrible.. How could you do that to a baby. I think that the aunt and the mom should go to jail. Where is the dad on this?? Would you feel bad for the baby because I am sure she was crying.. It's amazing that they baby lived because dont they need to be fed like every few hours or something??
Wow. Why would the aunt want to take the baby, and then do something that horrible. I hope the baby can get away from them both and live a long, wonderful life!