Baby Shanon is 7 months old and she was locked in a 2 by 3 foot cedar chest for 12 hours. The aunt took the baby from the mom because she was going to raise her then she locked her in a chest under a bed for 12 hours. The mom was in on it too. Fortunatly they baby did live and is recovering just fine.-Breann Lehr

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  • honestly, who does that? Its an innocent little baby..
  • Oh my gosh.. That is terrible.. How could you do that to a baby. I think that the aunt and the mom should go to jail. Where is the dad on this?? Would you feel bad for the baby because I am sure she was crying.. It's amazing that they baby lived because dont they need to be fed like every few hours or something??
  • so who is the baby living with now?
  • Woww, idiotic? i'd say... why kill a baby,..give it up for adoptions so it can live.
  • that's crazy, i don't see why anyone would want to do that to a seven month old baby.
  • wow thats kinda of mean a least lock it a room not in a chest.
  • Wow people are crazy these days, I don't understand how someone could do this.
  • Wow. Why would the aunt want to take the baby, and then do something that horrible. I hope the baby can get away from them both and live a long, wonderful life!
  • wow why would you ever do that to a baby. they are helpless and need your help.
  • That is just sad. What did the baby do to the aunt and mother? That is good it didn't die though.
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