A Minnesota woman called the police stating, "I don't want to hurt anybody, I'm drunk." The dispatcher advised the woman to pull to the side of the road and put on her flashers. The police came and picked her up. Her alcohol level was twice that of the legal limit. Despite doing the right thing, calling herself in, and doing no harm to anybody, the woman will go to court in December. What do you think of all this?
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i think she should be fined for being that drunk and after all she was still driving. but that should be it cuz she did the right thing by turning herself in.
good for her doing the right thing. I think she should still get a ticket because she was in the car and drunk, but she shouldn't be completely punished because she did do the right thing and didn't hurt anybody.
That's good that she turned herself in and knew the concequences if she wold have kept driving drunk. I think she should deserve some punishment because she WAS over the legal limit, but maybe not as much since she herself did the right thing.