Last week Darius Foreman was attempting to build a treehouse when he hit a board and fell from a branch. The board landed on his head with a screw piercing his skull. The 13 year old boy was rushed to the hospital in two different helicopters and they even had to cut the board in half when he couldn't fit in the ambulence. The operation took two hours since the screw was lodged between two halves of his brain threatening to break through a channel that's supposed to drain blood and other fluids in the brain. The boy had the screw in his brain for a total of 7 hours before having it taken out. After the surgery Foreman decided to keep the screw as a gift for his 13th birthday on Thursday when he was discharged. Cohen, the doctor who worked on Foreman, says "he's a lucky kid" for surviving since the screw was a millimeter away from the channel in his brain that could've caused him to bleed to death.
1) What would you do if you were the parent of Darius Foreman? Would you have let him work alone on the treehouse?
I wouldn't have ever let him worked on the treehouse alone. But if I was his mom i'd immediately rush to the hospital and in the meantime, be raising money for the disaster.
2) If you were Darius, what would be running through your mind and would you be scared?
I'd be terrified wondering if I were going to die and if so, how long until I did.
Good job overall. I do think you could have commented more frequently.
I would not have let him work alone. He is too young to be doing something like that without supervision from his parents. If I was Darius, I think I would be so scared that I wouldn't be able to think at all.
First its bad letting a little kid to work on something using tools and thing oh he can do it no. That is just bad parenting. If I was a parent I would be their supervising my kid to see what he cant and can do. Thats why you got to watch out for things like that because you only live once so you got to enjoy it.
I would never have left him to work on the tree house alone. Thirteen year olds can barely handle themselves without being suspended in a tree surrounded by dangerous objects. I don't know why the parents thought that it would be a good idea to leave the child alone unattended outside in a tree house unless he did it by himself. It is a truely terrifying story that could have ended very badly.
I definitely would not have let him work on the treehouse alone. I would've rushed him as quick as I could to the hospital that ould work on him. I probably would just flat pass out, and I would be completely freaking out.
If I were the parent I would supervise my child so he doesn't get hurt. I would be so terrified about what happened and the accident would probably open my eyes and learn to cherish the time I spend on this world.
I would be in a lot of shock for what just happened, and probably would not have let him work on the treehouse without supervision. He is only 13 years old and working with screws and nails can be a dangerous task.
I would be super scared and wondering if I was going to be alright, or whether or not I would even make it.
These kind of stories make my stomach turn of the very thought of seeing someone in that kind of state or even myself in that boy's shoes. If this happened to my child I would feel responsible and pry won't let it go for a very long time. His parents should have exercised more safty with this boy to prevent this from happening at all. I hope Darious isn't in too much shock.
I would have been scared, but like Paityn I would not have allowed him to work alone. He would have most likely needed to use powertools. It would be dangerous just having the screws out, anything could have happend. If I was darious I would have been scared. He could have had terrible things happen, more so then what actually had happened.
I would have faith in my kids to work on a treehouse and do as they please. If I were the parent, I would feel sorry for my child as he did no wrong because it was an accident but then also be thankful for he is still alive. I'd stay positive and be thankful I get to keep my life.