An 8 year old boy named Sean Greene thought he was just touring the news station at KGTV. Sean got a full tour of the news station and while he was sitting in the anchor chair reading the script on the TV, he turned to his left to find a video chat with his mother who was stationed in Afghanistan. There wasn't a dry eye at the station as Sean told his mom her loved her. I think that this is so adorable and it was very kind of the KGTV station to give Sean a chance to see his mom. What do you guys think about Sean and his Mom? What do you guys think about military families?
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Again, good summary but a bit part of the grade is commenting frequently to student comments.
I think it is so cute when they get to see their families that are in the military or any kind of army thing. I think that it was nice of them to let Sean see and talk to his mom.
I think that's sweet what they did for the little boy. People should get more opportunities too see their loved ones that are serving for us just so that they know they are ok. I would want to skype my loved one if they were over seas and I barely got to see them. I think military familys are stronger than any other families because they are away from each other so long, but yet they have to be strong for one another.
I think this is really amazing. I can't imagine having my mom stationed in Afghanistan. I think the families who have people station there is sad. It's hard to be away from someone that long, and in fear all the time. It's also amazing for the people that are in Afghanistan.
I can't imagine how hard it must be to not see his mom everyday, I think the common person takes for granted the fact that people just get to see their parents when they get home unlike Sean.
I think they have a very strong relationship even though she may be gone a lot. They usually keep close relationships. If the person in the military the family only gets closer.
Thats soo cute! I think it was sweet of the news station to allow him to see his mother!
I think this is very cute and shows the country the good of our country. The military families all seem very close and loving. If that was me, I would love to see him on valentines day.
i think she should come back home and military families are gboth good and bad
i think having a loved one in the military would be so hard because they would be gone for so long and you would worry for their safety 24/7. So its always great when a story like this happens, it means alot to the families i bet.