If any of you watch the show Punk'd, then you must know that on the new season coming up Miley Cyrus pranks her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth on the show. She told him that apparently a nude couple hijacked her car. The season premieres Thursday, March 29th for any of you who want to watch.
Tell me what you think about this?
I think this sounds kind of funny. I am not a big Fan of hers, but is sounds really funny.
i dont see miley cyrus to be a prankster! i will have to watch this to see how is goes.
Anything for a good laugh, attention, and publicity is what Hollywood shows are about. I'm all for that. This show should be very funny and I'm sure that Miley got a good laugh out of this. I think America would to.
I would never except that miley cyrus would be a prankster but i have seen commmercials for when justin bieber pranks taylor swift when she lights off a firework so ill have to watch prank now!
This is really funny!!!!
Wow, i can see that being kinda funny. im not a miley cyrus fan but im sure it will be a good prank. i might find time to watch it.
ha that show hilarious i love it.