Michael Jackson's death--overrated?

The news about Michael Jackson's death on June 25th has been brought way out of proportion. It's almost two months after his death and people are still talking about him. I know I never really grew up with his music, but I know how he has acted the last couple years and it's nothing I would want to remember a "king of pop" as. I believe he had been doing wrong things before his death, and then all the sudden he died and people didn't know how else to react but to take it all out of proportion. There for I believe his death should not have gotten the attention it got. What do you think?

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  • I do think that his death was a little overated. But obviously its going to be big news, nobody could take his place as "king of pop". No he hasn't been too smart the last couple years but, thats not the reason people freaked out. Hes an amazing artist and entertainer, thats why we are paying so much tribute to him after his death.
  • I agree. No one called him legendary when people accused him of molestation. NOW the media is on his side? Puh-lease. Jon Lajoie said it well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVACUjHn6yU I put this here just for kicks and giggles. WARNING, THIS DOES HAVE CURSE WORDS. It is a song. Inappropriate, but I figured if i gave you precautions....it'd be ok. We'll see.
  • Ya I think it was blown a little out of proportion. I mean ya his music is great and he will always be remembered for it. But he did make bad decisions and I dont think people should just forget about them because he died.
  • Micheal Jackson was the King of Pop yes, and he does have good music but i also think that talking about him for two moths is a little two long. I thought listening to the interviews and how he died was interesting for the first couple of weeks because they never really talked about him that much. After about 3 weeks though it just got a little annoying.
  • When Michael Jackson was still alive, I feel he pasted the prime of his career many years ago. I was not a big Michael Jackson fan, but I did like some of his songs. Since he has died, the media has sensationalized him. They have made him to be such a great person, when in fact the last several years of his life have been a lot of bad publicity of him in the media.
  • Michael Jackson was a great singer, and deserves recognition, but the media just won't let it go. People die every day, and he is still just a person. I haven't ever seen someone get that much attention, and doubt that anyone else ever will.
  • I totally agree with you. I do listen to his music and its great but i still prefer other music over his. I don't think he set a good example for anyone. Michael did drugs throughout the years and thats not who i want to be the "king of pop." Growing up, i knew more about what he did wrong than his music. He was a great artist but made a lot of mistakes. They have drug out his death for wayyy too long. We all know he died.
  • Hearing about his death was fine with me. It was on the news for week and i didnt mind, But when it was going on for weeks it just started getting old. Now i'm kind of sick about still hearing it on the news.
  • I think it all got way out of proportion. I mean ya he might have had a few good songs(I don't know because I didn't listen to his music), but he was a really bad person. He did a lot of bad stuff and then when he died everyone forgot and thought he was some sort of king. I got sick of the Michael Jackson storys real fast.
  • I think it is totally over and old news and some people are still crazy about it. I have this one friend who bought 20 Micheal Jackson shirts to wear all year as a reminder thing. It creeped me out...
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