A Mesa woman was arrested after leaving her baby alone in her apartment facedown in a bassinet near a bag of marijuana while she drove her boyfriend to work, police said.

Mesa police pulled over Melissa L. Williams, 27, after an officer noticed she had a broken windshield.The officer discovered that she was driving on a suspended license and arrested her. A search of her purse found an Altoids container containing marijuana.

According to the police report, Williams "said she left her 8-month-old baby at home alone while she drove her boyfriend to work."

Officers went to William's apartment where they found the baby along with marijuana and a glass pipe.

Williams told police "she is a pothead and smokes weed every day," according to the report.

Williams said the baby was alone for 15 minutes prior to the traffic stop.

She told the officer "she did not take the baby with her because if she woke her up she would be up all day."

The baby was turned over to Child Protective Services.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/mesa/articles/2010/08/23/20100823mesa-baby-marijuana-arrest-abrk.html#ixzz0xozmHnhu

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  • oh my gosh! why would a mother do that?!? no child should be around that. that women doesnt deserve her baby, im glad that it got taken away from her.
  • that is terrible i mean she smokes everyday and now shes got her baby going haha jk
  • that is so crazy, so stupid when people do things like that
  • that is insane you shouldn't ever leave your baby alone no matter what.
  • hahahaha i wonder wat the baby did? but he is only 8 months old/???? oh gosh i wonder what is was like when the girl got home.
  • people like that just make me angry
  • Wow. Poor parenting much? She obviously cares too much about her pot to have a child. I hate to think of what that kid would've grown up to be if it hadn't of been taken away.
  • wow some people need to get there priorities straight
  • some people are just so stupid. it frustrates me that she thinks it's okay to do that.
  • thats terrible. she deserves what she is going to get
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