this is part of my blog for this week. I thought i'd post it on the forum so i could get everyones opinions on it though:

Last year, Joseph Casias was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer in his nasal cavity. Joseph’s doctor prescribed marijuana for him to help with the pain. Joseph used to work at Wal-Mart but he got fired in November 2009 because he failed a drug test. He lives and works in Michigan. Marijuana is legal there if it is being used for medicinal purposes. Joseph said that he had a medical card saying that it was legal for him to have it. He never came to work while he was high either. Was it right for him to get fired from his job?

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  • No, walmart didnt look at his midical problem right, they should have over looked the weed and looked for different drugs.
  • wow i am sure there is al ot more to this story that just isn't being added. i bet this guy came to work high, was drug tested and then got fired., because if it is only for medical purposes then this guy wouldn't be fired unless he literally followed all rules to it.
  • that is unfortunate for him
  • I think it was very wrong for him to get fired. If he had it for medical puropses and he never came to work high and he had a card that said he could use it then they shouldnt be able to fire him. That is just really sad. That poor guy. If it's legal in that state for medical purposes then he should be able to work there.
  • No that is stupid would his boss rather have had the guy die in the middle of the store.
  • No, he was prescribed with it for a reason and he doesn't go to work high so why should they fire him for? He could have gone to work in pain or passing out from his rare cancer issue.
  • that is not fare at all he should not have been fired
  • If it was for medical reasons then I dont think he should be fired.
  • I don't think he should have been fired,,
    It was ...responsible not coming to work high!
  • that's pretty ridiculous. seeing as how he had a card and wasn't high at work he shouldn't be fired. he was doing the responsible thing and only using it for what he was supposed to.
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