McAfee Frightened For His Life

The Internet pioneer is frightened for his life because he thinks the police are going to kill him. His neighbor, Gregory Faull, was shot and afterwards McAfee was on the run. Before his neighbor was killed, four of McAfee's dogs were terribly poisoned and were shot to be put out of their misery. The police just want to question him about the night Faull was shot, but McAfee's terrified and refuses.

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I think that this is a crazy story! I think that he knows something or was involved in the murder. I think it's dumb that he is saying he's frightened. Obviously the police can't kill him, so he shouldn't worry. He should only be worrying if he was the one who killed Faull but it just is kinda suspicious to me. What do you think?

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  • I heard about this and think its crazy. With him on the run it is impossible to figure out who killed the man, and it really makes McAfee look guilty.

  • I dont think that he is very smart, because he ran and then won;t talk to the police. He sounds like someone who doesn't want to get caught. I think he is guilty.

  • Mcafee is either guilty or has extreme paranoia. The police wouldn't kill him unless he gave them a reason to. It's such a crazy story! Itll be interesting to see how it all turns out.

  • If you run away from a crime scene the cops would think you were involved and chase you down. So don't run away from a crime scene or be suspected as a criminal.

  • him running makes it look like he had something to do with the murder. the cops wont kill him theyll just arrest him and he'll go to jail.

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