In 2006 a pair of twins were born. Charlotte and Chase. Both were perfectly normal children to start with. When the twins were just 3 months old Charlotte had her first seizure that lasted 30 minutes. They rushed her to the doctor and she was hospitalized but sent home shortly after. Her seizures happened frequently and by the time she was 3 she was having nearly 300 grand mal seizures ever week, still with no cure. When she was 5 the family learned there was nothing more they could do medically for their daughter and that's when they decided to try medical marijuana. It took a while to get two doctors (the required amount needed to get medical marijuana) to sign the release form for the drug. They gave it to her and the seizures stopped for an hour. They thought it was a fluke but within the next seven days the seizures had nearly stopped completely. Charlotte is down to 2-3 seizures a month now that are mostly in her sleep and non-harmful. She is now able to walk, talk, and feed herself.
I think that this is an amazing story and it shows that if we can learn to use items like marijuana in a good way that it can be helpful. It amazes me that the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with her at first though.
What do you think? Did her parents do the right thing? Do you think that some people would abuse the doctors note?
Here is the LINK for the story.
Very interesting topic! Well done!
I think the parents and doctors made the right decision. They helped out Charlotte by giving her a normal life. I think medical marijuana is good be used in situations like that, but it is bad when some people try to abuse it.
If it stops it then go right ahead with using it.I think they did, and some people might but most shouldnt.
I think her parents did the right thing since it helped her out and she is not having as many seizures. I think it is good they can use marijuana in a good way to help people with their disabilities. I think this is an amazing story.
This really is a great story. I'm glad to see such a tragic problem be resolved. I think when used correctly and in the right circumstances, marijauna can be a very powerful medical tool.
It's sad to think that a young child would have so many seizures. It's good that they stopped once she took the marijuana. I think that the parents were trying to do anything so that their child wouldn't be in pain. Some people would abuse the marijuana and I think that they are using it for the right purpose.
It's weird isn't it? How they couldn't figure out why such a young child was having so many? I also think her parents did the right thing.
Alcohol is worse than Marijuana but people will abuse both.
I think that it is a good thing because it is for a purpose and isnt being abused by the parents of the daughter but some others might abuse the privilege of it
I think that this is smart of the parents to try this for their daughter. Although it worked for this family i dont think it should be given out to too many people because a lot will abuse the substance.