In October Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony announced that they were getting a divorce. After 5 months of waiting Marc has finally filed on April 11, 2012. Still the two continue to work with each other on their reality show Q'Viva. Both are in diffrent relationships now and are finally getting along.
What do you think?
Who cares about celbrities relationships they will never last more than 10 years and they will all cheat.
Im glad they got a divorce! I love JLo and i think she deserves someone way better! Im glad that they can be civil to each other though during their show and stuff. That is very business like for them! But i bet it was very hard being together at that time!
Well atleast they are gettting along... my parents are divorced and my dad HATES my mom. It really sucks. He wont even grow up tp just tolerate her in the same room. its so stupid.
I guess if that's what's making them happy, that's fine. If they work better together when they go their separate ways, then that's good that they finally figured that out.
Well its too bad that they got a divorce but its good that they are getting along. They do have kids and all.
i think it is good that they are still friends even though they are getting divorced. thats kinda like my parents they still get along fine.
thats great they work things out
wow that is different but their celebrities and can do what they want at lest they get along