
  • what an idiot. I guess he just wanted to see what it was like to be electricuted.
  • Oh man ive heard abotu peeing on an electric fence and that seems painful enough.
  • bummer. not a fun way to die.
  • this is ironic, because right after i said this should be on a thousand ways to die, i seen it that weekend ha. they were playing truth or dare and then like he got dared to do that and poof. he got owned ha. but sad.
  • thats sad but funny!!!
  • haha wow he's stupid... that's too bad though
  • That probably hurt. poor fella.
  • horrible wayy to die, and embarrassing ha
  • This should be on 1000 ways to die. i love that show.
  • I wonder if he wanted to die, or if he was just tryign to impress someone or show off? But sucks for him.
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