Man sues McDondalds for $1.5 million

A man from California named Webster Lucas is suing McDonalds for$1.5 million because he was only given one napkin.  The Lucas ordered a Quarter Pounder Deluxe and was only given one napkin.  When he went back to ask for more the manager said that he had already been given his allotment of napkins. Lucas then stated that ""I should have went to eat at the Jack-in-the-Box because I didn't come here to argue over napkins. I came here to eat."  The manger then said to Lucas, a African American, something about "you people".  Lucas took that as racist and emailed the McDondald's General Manager and filed a lawsuit for $1.5 million.  

Do you think that Webster Lucas over reacted to the situation,or was the manager being disrespectful?

 Do you think that racism is a problem in our country?

 Do you think that Lucas should be rewarded 1.5 million for this incident? 

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  • Good job!

  • Even if one napkin was the allotment the manager still should have given him more napkins

  • I feel like this could go both ways. It's crazy it is all just over more napkins. Racism is definitely a problem in this country.

  • This situation is messed up. Both parties are to blame as the manager should have given him an extra napkin or the man should have just let it go. Racism is a problem in this country but I'm not entirely convinced that it is a factor in this situation.

  • I do think Lucas overreacted when he didn't get an extra napkin, but the manager should have given him one. At McDonalds I get more than one napkin so what is this with only having one napkin? Sometimes I think racism is a big problem in our country still. Hopefully one day it will be different. 

  • Ha Ha Ha both these guys acted stupid first just give him another napkin I mean you are there to serve. And second to file a lawsuit what the heck did somebody Die, Did someone get raped. just leave if you dont like there service and dont go back.

  • I think the manager was in the wrong, but it was just napkins.  I think he shouldn't get $1.5, but have the manager fired or changed or something.  That was rude, but it's not enough to make a huge deal over.

    • It is protocol for the meal to come with one napkin. He shouldn't have to waste his time for some guy who is too lazy to go up and grab a napkin from one of the tables.

  • I think that this man is over reacting and may have taken the comment wrong, the manager may have meant the people who complain about things that may be out of the managers hands. If the man wanted more napkins there had to be a better way to solve this.

  • No he shouldn't win that's ridicules. There is no proof that "you people" is racist. If the guy wants a napkin grab one from the dispenser.

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