A 61 year old man named Joe Hundley slapped a 1 and 1/2 year old toddler on a fight. The result of the slapped which unsurprisingly caused the toddler to scream louder. He pleaded guilty to assault and will be sentenced in January. His lawyer said "Hundley "had paid a terrible price for his hurtful words but asks only that people understand that he was not doing well that night and spoke hurtful words he would have not otherwise have said."" I do feel bad for the man about his person problems, but that doesn't give him the right slap anyone. Do you think that Joe is a bad guy or do you think he just made some bad choices, and why do you think what you do?http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/03/travel/crying-boy-assault/index.html
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Good choice of topic! Reply more frequently however.
The fact that a complete stranger slapped some kid is disturbing. I understand though that he wasn't thinking very clearly, with the fact that his son was in a coma and on life support. If that were me, I'd be a wreck and not thinking of others, only me and the one that's hurt. That gives Hundley no right though to slap a little kid, much less some random kid he happened to be sitting next to on a plane ride. The family deserves an apology, but I'm not sure if he should get put in jail for a long time. I know I might have the same reaction, without the cussing though probably. It wasn't like Hundley meant to hurt the little boy, he was just distracted. It is sad that Hundley's son died.
Why would any do this to anyone do this to a kid and this would be assault because it would hurt the kid and he is not the kids parents as far as I know just from reading you blog here. And you don't take your anger out on a child. that is just not right at all
He shouldn't be around kids if he can't control himself around kids. I think he deserved jail time and his other punishments.
I think the baby should have slapped him back. I think the guy should get punished life in prison.
This is very sad. There is no good reason for anyone to slap anyone, being a baby or a grown adult. I think that many adults get frustrated by toddlers screaming though.
I think he is both a bad guy who made some bad choices that night. I also blame the parents. If he had an act of rage like that, don't you think something like this might have happened before? If the parents were desperate, and were in need of a babysitter, this incident is their own fault.
Why a child? Why would you be so mad that you slap a baby? He has to be insane to some degree. Nothing could possibly possess a normal person to hit a child that young. He needs to be set to a fairly long sentence.
You shouldn't slap a child no matter what. That is completely uncalled for.
Being in a "bad mood" doesn't give anyone the right to lay a hand on someone else, let alone a toddler! That child deserved better. Hundley should've stayed calm in a "fight" with a toddler. He didn't know any better.