
  • How would he not notice being shot in the head?
  • i really dont see how thats possible for him not to notice that he got shot in the head
  • lol. talk about pain resistance tho. that would really hurt!
  • haha that sucks is he ok?
  • that is so weird how could you not know that you got shot.
  • wow for five years didnt knw i would bein checkin the next day if i felt a blow to the head even if i was drunk that night an had a hagover i wouldnt be nonshclant about thats dangerous.
  • well thtat is some crazy stuff.
    i dont understand how he wouldnt notice until five years later/
  • Bahahahahaha he didn't even remember which year he got shot in!
  • thats dumb. i mean if you have a constant headach dont you think you would go to the doctor?? i mean you would notice it after 5 yrs. and dont you think there would have been some form of blood after being shot??
  • SOMEONE is a crappy assassin.....or this guy should be a runningback.
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