This couple obviously needs a little more practice.


In a drill to see how they'd respond to a burglar breaking into their house, Arnold Morris shot his wife. As you can guess, the 70-some year old man had no clue what he was doing with the gun.

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    • Nope. If someone is on your property and you don't want them there you can shoot them. Someone breaks into your house, you drill them in the face with a .44 Mag, they die, lots, perfectly fine. Cause you were in danger and so was your stuff and all that. It's different if kids are playin on your lawn though. You gotta warn them. Or some dude is drunk passed out on your roof. Call the cops. Don't shoot him...
  • The best word to describe what I'm thinking right now would have to be... WOOOW. As in the annoying obnoxious WOOOW. This dude apparently wasn't wearing his glasses. How could he seriously not see it was his wife he was shooting at!? Why did someone give a 70 year old man a gun!? This story frustrates me.
  • dont you think you would know what your wife looks like?? thats dumb. and its also another very good reason why old people shouldnt have guns
  • Haha moron
  • This goes on with what i commented on someone elses post...WHY do they even alow guns in this world? Nothing good can come from people owning guns or using them. Even if it WAS just an accendent....
    • Because if there is no guns, evil people MAKE guns.
      Everyone. Needs. Guns.
      There is a town down south that proves this. It is law that you MUST own a firearm or you can not live there. Nearly ZERO crime. Cause everyone is scared if they rob someone or assault someone their gun is nearby, and they will die.
      Nothing good can come from banning firearms.
  • Thats good that they are trying to be prepared for a burglar breaking in, but don't use a gun in the drill! Use it when the burglar comes or just get a couple guard dogs and it'll be all good.
  • I'm having a hard time taking this seriously. It is just so funny that some old guy shot his wife. at least she's okay
  • Why would he have a gun in the first place. And why would he have a gun when he know they were doing a drill.
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