Man Shoots Brother When Mistaken For a Deer

December 6th was the opening day for muzzle loader season in Michigan for deer. The night of December 6th a man and his brother were hunting deer. After one beleived that he had shot a deer he went looking for the deer. One brother looked in one spot the other looked a different place. The 29 year old brother shot what he thought looked like the deer. After he realized he had shot his brother he called 911 and helped the brother that had been shot out of the feild and to the first responders. He was then flown to a hospital in stable condition. 

1) What should happen to prevent this from happening again? I think we need to always make sure we wear orange when hunting and make sure you confirm that it is a deer.


2)Do you think the brother that shot the other brother should face any serious punishment? I think he might need to go to a hunting course again but from the sounds of it he in no way meant to do that.

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    • I agree I dont thik he should be put in jail but something needs to be done and I do agree that we need to just be safe around guns but maybe with a punishment people will check twice before pulling the trigger.

  • I feel like they should make wearing orange required so stuff like this don't happen ever again and the man should not face charges because he didn't mean to kill him.

    • I agree and what the punishment if he did happen to kill his brother bevause he wasnt wearing orange I dont know if it should be his fault but he did not do this on purpose and looks to be the other brothers fault

  • I agree if your wear more ornge they other hunters should know that your not a deer also set up a game plan where you will be and when so they know its you not a deer. I think they should do some invstagtion behind it to make sure he had no reason to shot him on perpose.

    • I agree that is probably the best thing we can do to help ourselves and will even help save lives so I think we need to make sure always wearing orange and have a plan will prevent us from not knowing where you hunting partner is.

  • This is a crazy story of what happened I think the one brother is very lucky that he did not kill the other brother. I agree with you that maybe it would've helped to have more orange clothing on so that would be harder to make the mistake of not knowing. I also do not think that he should be faced with any serious punishment because I feel like it was obviously an accident.

    • Agreed! The brother would of felt terrible if his other brother died. Good thing he called 911 right and he was able to get some help. I think the brothers should of had the right equipment on before they went out hunting.

      • I agree and I dont think he would have done that if he was trying to do this on purpose I think it was just an honest mistake but we need to do whatver we can to prevent this from happening again.

  • I also think you should wear orange. Because then you cant be mistaken for anything that isn't a person. He shouldn't get in any trouble, it was an accident. It's not like he died or he did it on purpose.

    • I agree that you need to be I think since it effects lives if we wear them or not that we should start requireing it and that their will be a fine if caught not wearing one. It may sound harsh but if it even saves one life than it was worth it.

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