December 6th was the opening day for muzzle loader season in Michigan for deer. The night of December 6th a man and his brother were hunting deer. After one beleived that he had shot a deer he went looking for the deer. One brother looked in one spot the other looked a different place. The 29 year old brother shot what he thought looked like the deer. After he realized he had shot his brother he called 911 and helped the brother that had been shot out of the feild and to the first responders. He was then flown to a hospital in stable condition.
1) What should happen to prevent this from happening again? I think we need to always make sure we wear orange when hunting and make sure you confirm that it is a deer.
2)Do you think the brother that shot the other brother should face any serious punishment? I think he might need to go to a hunting course again but from the sounds of it he in no way meant to do that.
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People need to dress in bright colors to stand out when hunting other wise problems like this will continue.mNO, I believe it was a mistake and I think he should be fine.
1. Just like a horror movie, DO NOT SPILT UP. Even if splitting up is a better way to hunt, sticking together is safer.
2. I do not think he would need to no. The brother that got shot is still alive. The brother that shot the gun wasn't attemptign to murder or anyhting like that. Even though this was a life or death moment accidents still happen.
I agree, I think everyone should wear orange or a bright color so hunters don't mistake them for a deer or any other animal. I do not think he should be punished for this because it was an accident and it could happen to anyone, these are the risks people take when they go hunting.
I agree the wearing bright colors such as orange would help people see each other and prevent things like this from happening. I also think that people that are hunting together should stay in contact with each other so they know where they are. As for punishments I agree that he should go through a hunting safety course and I think he should also go to counseling because something like this would be very traumatic.
I agree that he shouldn't have any real serious pinishment because it was an honest mistake and I also agree that maybe he should go to another hunting course before he is aloud to hunt again or some type of safety class.
I believe that, as in everything, communication is key in hunting. I believe that if these two were communicating better, the brother still may be around. I also agree with you that bright clothing should be worn all the time when hunting.
You should always wear some type of orange when hunting. Either a vest or a hat. They could also stay together so they knew where each other are located. I don't think he deserves to pay a sentence or anything like that maybe just a hunting course or a refresher on safety.
I agree and some may see it as they wont be hiding as well but I think the more orange the better and the more you wear the less chance you have of this happening to you and that is what we really need to fix.
I think that stupid people shouldn't be aloud to hunt or shoot guns freely for that matter. They should have also been wearing the proper safety equipment such as orange etc. I don't think that there would be any sort of law or punishment for someone if it was just an accident.