Imagine you are having a nice day and out for a walk.Then a 110lb dog falls from the sky and lands directly on you.Sounds like somthing you want to try right?well it happened to a man out for a walk when a dog was thrown out its window by its drunk owner.remarkably the dog suffered only a couple scratches same goes for the man who the dog hit the only thing he suffered was major confusions.

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  • lolz> the dude who got hit by te dog must of had a ruff day
  • At least he didn't get hurt!
  • Way to go man walking bye.... Ur a hero...
  • ouch that would hurt a whole
  • hahah jordan. but ya that sucks for that guy. he was probably just so weirded out by this whole deal. poor puppy : (
  • thats so crazy. they had to have such good timing to pull off a stunt like that
  • that poor dog, i hope the dog was taken away from him thats so sad
  • Ha! what a coincedence...i am not too sure what i would do if a 110 pound dog fell on me... but hey.. the dog is lucky.
  • Prohibition! Carry Nation! Animal Abuse! Save the poor puppies!
  • that's awful!! I feel so bad for both? hah. How high up was he thrown from I wonder
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