This is really odd, a dog was riding shotgun with his owner, when he kicked a gun the owner thought to be unloaded, and the dog shot him in the leg! This isn't even the first time this has happened.. Last year in France, a hunter's dog jumped up to hug hum, and his paw landed on the trigger.
I cant believe this happens! I mean keep your guns away from your dogs! At least the man is OK.
Click here to read the full story.
Wow. That is funny but said at the same time. I hope he is okay! That's why you put the safety thing on! DUH! You're dumb and basic!
OMG this is horrible!!!! And very sad! you just wonder how does these things happen I mean really! I gues you never know a lot of weird things happen in this world.
Well I'm glad the man is okay but maybe he should apply the same rule to his dog as he would to a child: keep the guns away from them. It's really pretty ironic that we call dogs "man's best friend" yet this has happened at least twice. It's kind of funny. Not that they got shot, that part would be awful, just they expression.
Wow. This just goes to show that you shouldn't have a gun near a four legged friend when you are both in a car together. I am just glad both guys are ok.
He shouldn't have had a gun unloaded or loaded with the safety off out of it's case in the car with him. that's just precarious.
This is why people should keep guns away from anyone/anything that don't know how to use them.
I think the gun owners should be more careful with their guns. At least the man is okay. I doubt the dogs purposely would do that to their owners.
This is a very strange story, I feel bad for the man, but he should not have had his gun loaded. hopefully he learns a lesson to not keep guns just hanging out where a dog could get to it. At least the man is okay and will recover from the incident.
It's the guy's own fault: he's an idiot for leaving a loaded gun and having it pointed at us.
Do people know what a safety is on a gun? Besides he should've double checked before bringing it with him...