
  • Wow, some people are seriously dumb. I don't think they realize that sticks aren't all that scary.

  • hahaha!! this is stupidly funny! its funny how stupid people could be in trying to do something illegal!!

  • So the first thing that came to mind was the Big Stick Diplomacy from Teddy Roosevelt. I know, lame probably. But honestly, why a stick? Normal people usually have a gun or something more violent. Then again, normal people don't rob gas stations. That's all I have to say about this idiot move!

  • this guy is getting nowhere with that stick, very bad idea

  • Why would you rob with a stick its dumb i am sure this guy is in need of a wake up call.

  • This guy is a real winner, a stick?

  • wow..people are pathetic. its a stick come on.

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