
  • Stories like these are sickening. Who would ever think about hurting an innocent baby? He just ruined this baby's life. I hope he gets locked up for a long time.

  • What would make him do that? Something had to be seriously messed up in his mind to do something like that. I hope the baby can carry on as much as a normal life as possible with brain damage. The man deserves to spend time in prison.

  • It disgusts me how some people in our society would do something so dreadful. I am glad that this man is being thoroughly punished for his wrong doings. 

  • I don't understand why someone would harm an innocent child. I'm glad this man is being punished. because of this man, this poor child is now going to have mental and development problems.

  • This is terrible!:( He should get life in prison.. He damaged the babies brain! That is forever and now that child probably cant be normal.. this is so sad:(

  • Good he should be in jail if he can't treat a poor little child right!! Maybe some body should shake him and see how he likes it! Why do people do this to poor little infants?! This makes me mad when i hear this!! People need to grow up and start being more responsible!!

  • I wish I can put him forever in prison. this is horrible crime and I perssonaly think that 20 years is little

  • How can you even think to do this to an innocent infant? Their helplessness depends on the mature, more grown up, knowledgable people of the world to care for them until they are old enough to do the same for themselves. When someone messes that up for them its very sad.

  • What i freak why would you do something like that how would you feel if you did something like that and made them handicap and suffer

  • that's disgusting. the fact that someone could be angry or frustrated enough to harm something as innocent as a baby is horrible. he deserves more than 20 years

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